Posted by Stephen O'Hare on 13th Feb 2014

Why Certified Pedorthists are leaving the Profession

The role of the Certified Pedorthist in our community is becoming ever so more important and yet more and more eminently qualified and passionate Pedorthists are leaving the profession.

The common denominator for people leaving the profession seems to me to be the unfair burden placed upon the Pedorthist to ensure the allied medical professionals have their paperwork in order. Pedorthists not getting paid for service is one major concern compounded only by the fact that they might not get paid for the goods they’ve provided as well.

Where it really gets ridiculous is when there is a 24 month back log for an Administrative Law Judge to adjudicate appeals.

Professionals who don’t get paid for their work can’t continue to work in their profession.

The argument that Pedorthist must insist on patient prepay for service and goods in order for a Pedorthic practice to survive, while true, is an invalid argument for many practices to implement. The poor who may not have the ability to pre-pay don’t get access to the benefit. Invariably, it is the poor who need the benefit most and who are most at risk. The argument that a Pedorthic practice should not be dependent upon Medicare reimbursement for income is equally true, but again, if the practice is located in area where most of the patients have Medicare or Medicaid as their primary insurance, does the argument still hold?

The success or failure of a Pedorthic practice is directly linked to the socio –economic environment in which the practice operates.

Equal access to Medicare Benefits is a pre-requisite for any Bill.

The Therapeutic Shoes for Diabetics Bill is failing and has been for some time.